Responsive - Bootstrap like solution

Last Reviewed
Mar 30, 2023
Published on
May 10, 2020
v 3.13.x
v 3.1.x


Lately I had to build a truly responsive website using Flutter Web.

As everybody agrees, Flutter does not yet ship with any built-in solution for responsive layout for Flutter Web. Browsing the list of existing packages, none I could test really gave me the features I needed.

Therefore, I decided to build my own "Bootstrap-grid"-like package. This article explains how I built it and how to use it.

Full source code is available on [GitHub], together with a sample.

Package can be found on under the name: flutter_bootstrap.

What is Bootstrap Grid?


Bootstrap Grid is a very powerful mobile-first flexbox grid to build layouts of all shapes, using a 12-column system (see official documentation, here).

In short, your screen layout is ruled by a grid, which splits your width into a series of columns, usually 12.

Each of your components width corresponds to a certain number of columns on the screen, which therefore is translated to a certain percentage of the screen width. As an example, a component of a width of 4 columns (considering a max number of columns of 12), will occupy 33% ( = 4/12) of the available width.

A system of prefixes is used to define the dimensions of your component depending on the browser window total width. Here follows the usual list of prefixes:

  • xs for extra small screens < 576px
  • sm for small screens > 575px and < 768px
  • md for medium screens > 767px and < 992px
  • lg for large screens > 991px and < 1200px
  • xl for extra large screens > 1199px

Nowadays the 'xs' prefix is no longer used and has been replaced by an empty prefix.

Notion of 'col-'

Thanks to these prefixes, you may specify the width of your component, based on the dimensions of your browser window.

For example:

'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3' will tell that your component will occupy:

  • 12 columns for extra small screens
  • 12 columns for small screens
  • 6 columns for medium screens
  • 4 columns for large screens
  • 3 columns for extra large screens

Notions of Container and Row

Your layout is orchestrated around the additional 2 notions: Container and Row.

The Container corresponds to a block that contains a series of Rows, each of which containing a series of Columns.

The following pseudo code illustrates the notion:

3  children: [
4      BootstrapRow(
5          children: [
6              BootstrapCol(
7                  sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
8                  child: Text('Column 1'),
9              ),
10              BootstrapCol(
11                  sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
12                  child: Text('Column 2'),
13              ),
14          ],
15      ),
16      BootstrapRow(
17          children: [
18              BootstrapCol(
19                  sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
20                  child: Text('Column 3'),
21              ),
22          ],
23      ),
24  ],

Notions of Fluid and Non-Fluid Containers

By default, a Container is limited in terms of width, depending on the browser window size.

The commonly used limits are the following:

  • extra small screens: no limits
  • small screens: 540px
  • medium screens: 720px
  • large screens: 960px
  • extra large screens: 1140px

The container is then horizontally centered on the screen.

In some circumstances, you do not want such a width limit (e.g. you want to display a background color or an image, that takes the whole screen width). To allow this, a Container might be flagged as "fluid".

You may then combine both types of Containers to obtain a background color that takes the whole screen width, then another Container to display its content in a "centered" manner as follows:

3  fluid: true,
4  decoration: BoxDecoration(
5      color:,
6  ),
7  children: [
8      BootstrapContainer(
9          children: [
10              BootstrapRow(
11                  children: [
12                      BootstrapCol(
13                          sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
14                          child: Text('Column 1'),
15                      ),
16                      BootstrapCol(
17                          sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
18                          child: Text('Column 2'),
19                      ),
20                  ],
21              ),
22              BootstrapRow(
23                  children: [
24                      BootstrapCol(
25                          sizes: 'col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-3',
26                          child: Text('Column 3'),
27                      ),
28                  ],
29              ),
30          ],
31      ),
32  ],


  • line 3: flags the Container as a Fluid one (= full-width)
  • lines 4-5: you provide a background color

Notion of Gutter

A Gutter defines the horizontal padding that controls the space between each Column.

The usual gutter size is 30px, which says that each column leaves a horizontal space of 15px ( = gutter / 2) between each other.

Notion of offset-

At time, it is useful to give a certain offset (in terms of number of columns) which moves the column to the right of a certain number of columns.

Like for the dimensions, the offset also uses the same prefixes to give the rules depending on the screen dimensions.

For example:

'offset-0 offset-sm-1 offset-md-2 offset-lg-3 offset-xl-3' will tell that your component to be pushed to the right of:

  • 0 column for extra small screens
  • 1 column for small screens
  • 2 columns for medium screens
  • 3 columns for large screens
  • 4 columns for extra large screens

Notion of order-

Sometime, you also would like to change the sequence order of your columns, depending on the screen dimensions.

In order to achieve this, you can use the order-, which together with the notion of prefix will tell in which sequence order, the components will be displayed on the screen.

For example:

'order-2 order-sm-2 offset-md-1 order-lg-1 order-xl-1' will tell that to display the corresponding Column as follows:

  • 2nd position for extra small devices
  • 2nd position for small screens
  • 1st position for medium screens
  • 1st position for large screens
  • 1st position for extra large screens

Voilà, you now have all the basics to build your layout in a responsive manner.

Notion of conditional visibility

Finally, under some circumstances, it might also be useful to hide some parts of the layout, depending on the screen dimensions.


This package exposes 4 new Widgets:

  • BootstrapContainer
  • BootstrapRow
  • BootstrapCol
  • BootstrapVisibility

...and a series of helper methods:

  • bootstrapGridParameters
  • bootstrapPrefixBasedOnWidth
  • bootstrapMaxWidthNonFluid
  • bootStrapValueBasedOnSize


The signature of this stateless Widget is the following:

2class BootstrapContainer extends StatelessWidget {
3  BootstrapContainer({
4    super.key,
5    required this.children,
6    this.fluid = false,
7    this.decoration,
8    this.padding,
9  });
10  ...

  • bool fluid (default = false)

    determines whether the Container is fluid (= whole screen width)

  • BoxDecoration decoration

    optional decoration to apply to the Container

  • EdgeInsets padding

    optional Padding to apply to the content of the Container

  • List<Widget> children

    array of Widgets, children of the Container


The signature of this stateless Widget is the following:

2class BootstrapRow extends StatelessWidget {
3  BootstrapRow({
4    required this.children,
5    this.decoration,
6    this.height,
7  });
8  ...

  • double height

    height of the Row

  • BoxDecoration decoration

    optional decoration to apply to the Row

  • List<BootstrapCol> children

    array of BootstrapCol, children of the Row.
    A BootstapRow only accepts BootstrapCol as children.


The signature of this stateless Widget is the following:

2class BootstrapCol extends StatelessWidget {
3  BootstrapCol({
4    required this.child,
5 = FlexFit.loose,
6    this.absoluteSizes = true,
7    this.invisibleForSizes,
8    String sizes = "",
9    String offsets = "",
10    String orders = "",
11  });
12  ...

  • FlexFit fit

    How a flexible child is inscribed into the available space.

    If [flex] is non-zero, the [fit] determines whether the child fills the space the parent makes available during layout. If the fit is [FlexFit.tight], the child is required to fill the available space. If the fit is [FlexFit.loose], the child can be at most as large as the available space (but is allowed to be smaller).

  • String sizes

    corresponds to the different dimensions 'col-'

    Example: sizes: 'col-12 col-sd-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 col-xl-4'

  • String offsets

    corresponds to the different offsets 'offset-'

    Example: offsets: 'offset-0 offset-sm-1 offset-md-2 offset-lg-3 offset-xl-4'

  • String orders

    corresponds to the different orders 'order-'

    Example: orders: 'order-2 order-sm-2 order-md-1 order-lg-1 order-xl-1'

  • String invisibleForSizes

    allows to define conditions where the child is not visible

    Example: invisibleForSizes: 'xs xl'

  • bool absoluteSizes (default = true)

    If [absoluteSizes] is set to [true] (= default), you force the dimensions of the Column to be relative to the screen dimensions and not to the parent Row.

    If [absoluteSizes] is set to [true], the 'col-' are relative to the parent Row available width. This allows nesting the columns and adapt their dimensions in a "nested" way.

  • Widget child

    the child, content of the BootstrapCol


This Widget allows to define whether to display (or not) the child, based on the definition of which 'col-' are present in the [sizes] parameter.

The signature of this stateless Widget is the following:

2class BootstrapVisibility extends StatelessWidget {
3  BootstrapVisibility({
4    required this.child,
5    String sizes = "",
6  });
7  ...

  • String sizes

    corresponds to the different dimensions 'col-'

  • Widget child

    the child to display (or not), based on the presence of the 'col-' that corresponds to the screen dimensions is present in the [sizes] property.


This method allows you to customize the grid in terms of number of columns and gutter size.

Its signature is:

2void bootstrapGridParameters({
3  int numberOfColumns = 12,
4  double gutterSize = 24.0,
6  ...


This method returns the prefix which corresponds to a certain width:

Its signature is:

2String bootstrapPrefixBasedOnWidth(double width){
3  ...

I personally use this method to know whether I am running on small devices and take appropriate actions.

Depending on the width, returns: '', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'.


Returns that max width in case of non-fluid display.

Its signature is:

2double bootstrapMaxWidthNonFluid(double width){
3  ...


This routine allows to return a certain value based on the prefix definitions.

This routine requires the BuildContext to be provided.

Its signature is:

2dynamic bootStrapValueBasedOnSize({
3  required Map<String, dynamic> sizes,
4  required BuildContext context,
6  ...

Example of use:

Typical case to use this method is to obtain a certain fontSize which might vary based on the screen dimensions.

2final TextStyle buttonCaptionStyle = bootStrapValueBasedOnSize(
3  sizes: {
4  '':   Config.styleButtonLarge,
5  'sm': Config.styleButtonLarge,
6  'md': Config.styleButtonMedium,
7  'lg': Config.styleButton,
8  'xl': Config.styleButton,
9  },
10  context: context,
13final double buttonHeight = bootStrapValueBasedOnSize(
14  sizes: {
15  '':   64,
16  'sm': 64,
17  'md': 64,
18  'lg': 42,
19  'xl': 42,
20  },
21  context: context,


This is not really an article but rather an explanation of a package, which is now available on under the name: flutter_bootstrap.

As I needed to have something similar to Bootstap4 in order to build my last fully responsive Flutter Website, I developed my own solution and wanted to share it with you.

I hope this will be useful to some of you.

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